
 Cineplex Store - Case Study


  • November - December 2020 (8 weeks)

My Role

  • Solo project for Juno College of Technology’s UX Design Course

The Challenge

Due to COVID-19, cinema theatres are empty and online streaming is at an all-time high. However, Cineplex Store is one of the least used online streaming platforms and is quickly fading from people’s memory in the face of more robust competitors.

Cineplex Store wanted to analyze their website to better understand how they could improve and refine their offer to meet the market needs, get more customers and provide them with a more enjoyable renting experience.

User Insights from Usability Testing

How Might We…

  • How might we… help indecisive users find an interesting movie easily and quickly?

  • How might we… provide users with all the information they need to make their selection process easier?

  • How might we… provide customers a more tailored and personalized experience?

I framed the problems using the “How Might We” method to get a clear idea of what the challenges were before moving onto the ideation stage.

Initial wireframes

Ideation and Low-fidelity Sketches

Based on the feedback, I decided to implement and test the following design solutions:


Add IMDB/Rotten Tomatoes


Add a hover state
with movie information

to images on homepage


Create a “Movie Picker”
to provide personalized recommendations.


Optimize the categorization
and search box

testing and iteration

I created and tested a mid-fi prototype and received valuable feedback, which helped me fine-tune last details such as:

• Add rating and duration to the carousel header too
• Change the “Watch Now” to “Learn More
• Add Reviews to each movie page
• Move the price to the bottom on the purchase screen


Mid-fidelity prototype

High-Fidelity Prototype

Purchase flow

Movie Picker Flow

Access the prototype here: Cineplex Store Prototype

UI Design

For the visual design and style, I used CinePlex brand colours and a dark grey to resemble the dark movie theatre ambiance customers are used to in real life.

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Beanfield Blog Redesign
